Problem gambling can coincide with high rates of co-morbidity (the existence of other conditions such as alcohol and drug use and mental health issues, particularly depression) and cross addiction. There is also evidence that people gamble to deal with psychological problems. The good news is there is help available for those with gambling and mental health issues (adapted from:
If your gambling is causing you concern, chances are your mental health is suffering as a result. People may not see a connection between their gambling and their health concerns however, gambling problems can be associated with a range of mental health problems:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Other mood disorders
- Heavy alcohol use or drug problems
- Poor physical health (such as headaches and difficulty sleeping)
- Suicidal thoughts It can be argued that problem gambling may compound existing psychological problems and causes some harm to those most vulnerable and at worst creates psychological problems for those who did not previously have any problem.
A recent Australian research showed that problem gamblers were at risk of
- Depression at a rate of 71.4 per cent
- The rate of ‘likely hazardous alcohol use’ was 50 per cent
- 35.7 per cent of problem gamblers have a ‘severe mental disorder’
Problem gamblers often require treatment for their gambling but also for a range of other problems. The Gambling Helpline can help you deal with any of your gambling related problems: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week., call 1800 858 858
There is a Gambling Help Service in your local area, to help you. However, you can access any Gambling Help Service across the state if you do not wish to seek help in your own area.
Gambling Help Services offer:
- Free, confidential and professional help in a nonjudgmental environment
- Counselling and therapy for individuals, couples, family and friends
- Financial counselling to help sort out your financial problems
- Information and support
If you require help or emergency assistance for a mental health issue please call one of the following help lines:
LIFELINE 131 114 (24 hours, 7 days)
CRISIS CARE 131 611 (after hours, local call fee)
BEYONDBLUE INFO LINE 1300 22 4636 (local call fee)