Adapted from:
Step 1
Be well. Stay as physically active in as many ways and as often as you can. Aim for a minimum of 30 minutes every day. Activity can be cumulative eg: 10+10+10 minutes.
Step 2
Eat well. Choose a variety of foods low in saturated fat and salt. High fibre foods are also recommended eg: whole grain breads and cereals, legumes, fruit and vegetables. Eat less food (energy) than you use (burn) to reduce body weight if you are overweight.
Step 3
Test your blood glucose levels regularly. Blood glucose levels kept within recommended ranges will lower your risk of many diabetes complications. Between 4–8mmol/L for type 1 diabetes and 6–18mmol/L for type 2 diabetes are the ideal target ranges. However individual goals will vary depending on your age, other individual circumstances and what your doctor or diabetes educator recommends is right for you.
Step 4
If you smoke, STOP! Get help if needed. Talk to your doctor, call Quitline on 13 78 48 or visit the websites or
Step 5
If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation.
Step 6
Keep track of your weight (and ‘waist’). If overweight, even small amounts of weight loss can make a big difference to your general health and diabetes management.
Step 7
Have your doctor arrange for the recommended management and diabetes complication checks: Blood pressure every visit; blood glucose average (HbA1c) 3–6 monthly and cholesterol (lipid profi le) and kidneys (microalbumin) every year.
Step 8
Take care of your feet and look at them daily. Cut nails carefully and wear well fitting supportive shoes. See your doctor if you have sores on your feet or experience pain.
Step 9
Have your eyes (retina) checked by an eye specialist or trained optometrist every 1–2 years (your doctor will advise) to check the blood vessels in the back of your eyes. Your doctor will refer you.
Step 10
Live well and be happy!